This weekend starting at 2pm and running into the night, Axis Events are once again holding the Festival of Colours (because its Colour, not Color people). This year its taking place at the much more conveniently located Al Mouj Golf and has an array of DJ's lined up to get you moving throughout the afternoon and into the evening.
Tickets are RO 10 per person under the age of 21, and for everyone else they are RO 15, which is for your entry, some organic colours to throw at people / yourself and a snack box. Throwing the snack box at people / yourself is optional... you can buy more colours to throw at people if you run out.
To get tickets & VIP tables (well worth it if you're going in a group), you can call 9779 8111 - you can also get tickets on the door as well I understand.
Now you know, in case you didn't!
le fin.
Festival of Colours this weekend
Reviewed by Sythe
Monday, February 26, 2018

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