Coming up this Friday at 7:30pm in the Grand Hyatt, Muscat is the first MRFC party of the season. It's a back to school theme with prizes for the best dressed pupil and class clown.
Tickets are free if you are a current MRFC member, or they are just RO 5 if you aren't yet a member of the club.
I have a pair of tickets to give away to the party and to win them all you need to do is comment here or on my fb page the correct answer to this question:
How much of a discount on British Airways can a member of the MRFC get when booking flights?
(you can find out all of the benefits, including the answer to the question by checking out the benefits page on the clubs website).
You can see the FB event page here, the MRFC fb page is also here.
I'll announce the winner tomorrow afternoon.
le fin.
Back to school party this Friday
Reviewed by Sythe
Tuesday, September 05, 2017

The season with a "back to school" theme, featuring prizes for the best-dressed pupil and class clown. Tickets are free for MRFC members and RO 5 for non-members. An opportunity to win party tickets is offered by correctly answering a question. But another best offer for college students we take pay someone to write my assignment services cheap price for any course with in 24 hours.