Eid al Adha holidays announced!

Well how about that?! The Eid holiday is finally announced officially after all of the "official" rumours flying around the City.

Thursday 31st August until Monday 4th September with a return to work on Tuesday the 5th.

That's a nice long weekend!


le fin.
Eid al Adha holidays announced! Eid al Adha holidays announced! Reviewed by Sythe on Monday, August 28, 2017 Rating: 5

Post Comments


  1. I came to know about the holidays from a different but reliable source in the afternoon but still came to look for Mr. Simpson at your blog; not to confirm but the sight of Mr. Simpson at your blog surpasses even the real joy of holidays :) yes happy holidays, cheers.

  2. The announcement is so late again as many are cramming to do their bookings


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