Coming up this Sunday 14th is Mothers Day - The second Sunday of May is observed as Mothers Day by more countries in the world than any other day (including Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, Germany, India, Malaysia, Dutchie land, NZ, Pakistan, Philippines, South Africa, Sri Lanka and the USA).
As Mothers day in Oman is celebrated on the 21st of March (and the Brits this year did it on the 26th of March) there are not very many events in town this weekend to celebrate the very real achievement of being a mum.
However, those nice people at the Grand Hyatt have not let this day slip by un-noticed. Tomorrow - 2 days before Mothers Day (because, well, Friday is brunch day) they are throwing a Mothers Day Brunch. Yes, you might be reading this and saying so what, just another regular Hyatt-priced brunch. The reason I'm sharing this is two fold:
1. If you are a Mum, the brunch is half price. That's RO 17.5 for brunch including unlimited selected beverages.
2. Ramadan is coming, so why not get your brunch on before you cant?!
For more information you can call the Grand Hyatt on +968 2464 1234 or email them on
le fin.
Mothers Day brunch half price for mothers!
Reviewed by Sythe
Thursday, May 11, 2017

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