Happening again this year after the popular party last year is the Festival of Colours taking place tomorrow from 2pm. Basically its a huge water fight where you wear white clothes, get a water pistol and a pack of organic colours and then go to town making peoples clothes not white anymore. All the time with DJ's providing the soundtrack to your water fight based exercise.
You can even buy tickets online by clicking here - tickets are RO 25 per couple (which include 4 drinks, colour packs and 2 guns) RO 15 for Over 21's (2 drinks, colours and a gun) or RO 10 with no drinks tokens. You can buy tickets at the gate tomorrow, or for VIP tables or bulk bookings you can call +968 9779 8111.
Perhaps some good exercise before you go off in search of a pot of gold?
le fin.
A colourful water fight on this Friday at the Al Bustan
Reviewed by Sythe
Thursday, March 16, 2017

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