The Irish (and Aussie) sporting fraternity here in Oman, the Clann na hOman GAA and Muscat Magpies AFL club, are throwing a social at the O'Malley's bar in the Radisson this Thursday night.
There will be live music from Nah Boocullee (who after a quick Google search I can reliably report that I have absolutely no idea who they, or s/he, are/is). But the important part to consider here is that they are playing live music, in an Irish bar, with what sounds an awful lot like an Irish name. If I were a gambling man I'd say there's a high chance of there being a fiddle involved in the music.
Anyway, it's a good way to meet people if you're new to the city, or perhaps you just like Guinness. It all starts at 8pm this Thursday (1st September 2016).
le fin.
Get your craic on this Thursday night
Reviewed by Sythe
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

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