Just a quick one for all British citizens living here in Oman. The February consular notice was issued today, and it only had one piece of information in it for this month, and it might be of some interest to you:
Register to vote:
Do you wish to vote in the referendum to decide whether or not UK stays in the European Union?
If you are over 18 and have lived abroad for less than 15 years you are entitled to vote. But you must register first. Do it now so there is time to process your application – the Referendum could be as early as June 2016.
Registering on line is really easy. It takes less than 5 minutes on https://www.gov.uk/register-to-vote
Now you know!
le fin.
Quick notice to all British citizens living in Oman
Reviewed by Sythe
Wednesday, February 10, 2016

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