Halloween party round up

Halloween is coming this weekend, and a number of bars around town are getting in on the act with various offerings, here's my list of what's happening this weekend - if you have a Halloween event you'd like me to feature here, just drop me an email and I'll add it. If you're not sure where to go... then go to the MRFC party :)

1. MRFC's Halloween Party - Friday 30th November October  from 7:30pm at the Copacabana

Already over 300 tickets have been sold to this party being thrown once again at the Copacabana. It was hugely popular last year with lots of people being turned away at the door - it's a private event and you have to be on the guestlist before the party starts - ROP rules apparently. ANYONE can buy tickets to the event, they cost RO 10 for non-members or RO 5 for members (of the rugby club). If you want to get tickets, get in touch with Conor on events@muscatrugby.net and check out the facebook event page here. There's also a prize for the best costume of the night too.

2. Al Ghazal Pub - Friday 30th October

The Al Ghazal are offering a special prize for the best costume to attend, along with some special drinks offers.

3. Traders Vics - Werewolves of London - Saturday 31st October

Traders are getting in on the act and calling all Werewolves to join them, offering Pina Colada's served in coconut shells for RO 2.5 with the menu.

4. Route 66 - Friday 30th October

Route 66 are offering a return trip airline ticket to the two best costumes at the party. Entry is RO 5.

5. On the Rocks - Halloween Freak Night - Thursday 29th October & Friday 30th October

They're offering international DJ Natalie Brogan to provide the music along with free face-painting to bring your inner freak out. Men are RO 10 for entry, ladies are free all night. There's a 30% discount on drinks before 10pm.

They're also having another Halloween party on Friday night the 30th, Entry RO 10 for men and RO 5 for ladies all night.

6. Rumba Lattina - 29th October - 2nd November

RO 10.9++ for a scary meal(!) at Rumba, there's a live band on Friday.

That's all I've found so far... let me know if you know of any others and I'll include them.

le fin.

Halloween party round up Halloween party round up Reviewed by Sythe on Wednesday, October 28, 2015 Rating: 5


  1. Hi

    Any reason why MRFC are holding it on 30th NOVEMBER?


  2. Only cos I'm not very good at checking things!!!

  3. You are not alone!!!! Im exactly the same!

  4. Hello
    I hope you doing well.
    May I have your email address? I have some questions about this year halloween events in Muscat.

    Thank you


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