Coming up on the 19th of September, my least favourite gym in Oman, Horizon Fitness (read here to know why I don't like them) are doing something pretty cool. They have organised something called the Adventure Challenge and it's basically teams of 4 people doing various exercises.
Prepare Yourself: The Horizon Fitness Adventure Challenge 2015We are 11 days away from the Horizon Fitness Adventure Challenge, a unique event to Muscat.. If you have not entered it is time to enter now!! you to our incredible sponsors for helping us make this event possible!BankMuscat Muscat Hills Golf & Country Club Starcare First Medical centre Tanuf Water National Mineral Water Company Y Magazine Merge 104.8 Looking forward to seeing teams from Muscat Rugby Football Club Muscat - Where Can I Find Whispers of Serenity Clinic Ooredoo Oman Oman Air Muscat Mutterings The Duncan Adventures & many more!!
Posted by Horizon Fitness Oman on Sunday, 6 September 2015
Now I have to say that this does actually look like a lot of fun to do - if you're into that sort of thing. Teams are in groups of 4, with the cost per team being RO 60. Now, I'm not sure if there are any prizes on offer because none of the documentation I could find on their website, facebook page or facebook event page actually stated that you'd get a chance to win anything for your RO 60 per team entry fee, but I imagine there must be some sort of prize.
Anyway. I hate the gym, but I like the idea of this event - so if you're keen - go and sign up on their website.
le fin.
The Horizon Fitness Adventure Challenge
Reviewed by Sythe
Monday, September 07, 2015

Dear Muscat Muttering's,
ReplyDeleteI am the COO of Horizon Fitness and have been since June 2013 and I would like to thank you for your slight, yet positive comments regarding our Adventure Challenge.
I would also like to address your dislike of Horizon, I read and I hear your comments that you raised back on 16th January 2012, only 3 years & 8 months ago! And whilst I cannot attest to the experience you had at the time, I would like to state we have improved our approach and brand considerably since your post 1331 day's ago.
With some amazing new introductions such as The Engine Room & the soon to be introduced Radical Fitness Programs our service and products offer international standards. We have even introduced or Premium ladies location Jasmine to amazing reviews.
In addition to all this, we are in the progress of opening 3 new locations in Al Khoud, Salalah & a super location in Al Hail. Proving our facilities have become more and more popular across the nation in the 31,944 hours since your previous comments.
Now all this rhetoric is great, but being a born and bread Yorkshire Man I like to put the money where my mouth is. So I personally invite Mr Muscat Mutterings to come and experience Horizon Fitness once more, I shall extend this olive branch to you 1,915,200 minutes after your article. Please come and join me one evening in The Engine Room™ and I shall also offer you 1 months complimentary membership.
I am a follower of your blog and I trust a man of your impartial views and intellect has the foresight to offer a second chance to a business that has spent the past 114,998,400 seconds making changes and improving the health of the nation.
Feel free to e-mail me at and we can train together.
Yours in Health & Fitness
Steven Wileman
COO Horizon Fitness
That was a stunning promo video, good job Richard!
ReplyDeleteSteve, you don't like to put your money where your mouth is, you're a time-wasting twat that runs a half-baked gym-for-money that does little else but create a massive amount of litter twice a month.
ReplyDeleteI would like to suggest the above anonymous person might want to careful about carrying out public deframation online aimed at a personal individual as this is a very serious crime in Oman which can result in jail and deportation.
ReplyDeleteIf I was the owner of this blog I would not want to risk leaving up such a comment and to later find myself dragged into a legal case.
To the last Anon commenter:
ReplyDeletePlease direct yourself to the disclaimer that is displayed on every page of this blog:
This blog is primarily about life & news in the Sultanate of Oman. It's the intention of this blog to stay within the laws of Oman at all times. Any perception that this is not the case is due to an incorrect & inaccurate interpretation of the contents of this blog. Comments on this blog are not actively moderated and are the opinion of the person writing the comment, it is not the opinion of this blog or the author. Should an individual or organization wish a comment be removed just contact me and ask for it to be done and it will be done as soon as I read the request. I can be contacted at mrsythe(*at-)gmail(*dot-)com
No such email has been received, thus no grievance.
If anyone, in this case from Horizon Fitness, doesn't like a comment then they can email me and ask me to take it down. Otherwise I don't moderate comments, because I take no responsibility whatsoever what people are prepared to publish in a public forum, that is hosted in the USA.
All whom have commented,
ReplyDeletePlease note Neither myself nor Horizon Fitness have any issues with the comments people wish to post. In fact I welcome it as it allows us to improve our services and maintained our highly successful operation across the Sultanate.
I trust that many of the readers of this blog have the capabilities and understanding to see the comments of misguided individuals that have personal disillusions and misgivings about the success of others for what they are, amusing and funny.
As for my initial comments, Mr Sythe, my offer still stands I really would like you to come and re-experience Horizon Fitness and maybe we can convert an un happy customer into a happy one.
Many Thanks
Steven Wileman
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