It's that time of year again and the nice people at the Radisson Blu and Park Inn hotels here in Muscat are once again supporting the Box appeal.
Essentially this is an initiative that you can as a person or as a company participate in - you collect a box (or as many boxes as you want) from the reception desk at either the Radisson Blu or the Park Inn hotels and then buy the items listed inside the box, and then return the box full of those items.
This list includes the following items-
T-Shirt, Cap, Disposable Razor, Shaving Cream, Deodorant, Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Small Hand Towels, Comb, Soap, Shampoo, Talcum powder
These boxes are then distributed to those most in need across the region, and in our case, the City of Muscat (the initiative is done in the UAE, Oman, Bahrain and Egypt).
You can get more information from their facebook page here.
More soon!
le fin.
The Box Appeal 2015
Reviewed by Sythe
Monday, September 14, 2015

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