MM's 6th birthday

Oops, I missed my own birthday. Actually missing birthday's is something of a skill of mine, having repeatedly missed by mothers and brothers birthdays throughout the years. I'm just crap with dates, plus I don't really care. Well, I care about my families birthdays, I'm just really rubbish with dates.

Anyway, a little post to mark ze blog's birthday, which started out on the 26th July 2009 with this post.

Fast forward 6 years and this hobby is more popular than I ever imagined it'd be. Thank you to all that read it, and an extra special thank you to those that take the time to comment or email me (nice things that is)!

I wonder if I've got another year in me?!

We'll see.

le fin.
MM's 6th birthday MM's 6th birthday Reviewed by Sythe on Thursday, September 10, 2015 Rating: 5

Post Comments


  1. Happy Birthday to this wonderful blog.....I enjoy all your posts. Keep up the good work...!!!

  2. Happy belated birthday too:)

    I am so bad with dates I always give people the wrong age for myself;)


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