Tomorrow is the last day that you can upload your 5pics of Unseen Oman. Red Bull 5 Pics is a creative platform for anybody, whether amateur or professional to express themselves through their photos. All you need to do is snap five pics from your phone or camera, showing us what you love about Oman with the theme 'Unseen Oman'. Rack up as many votes as you can and take home the prize.
The prize is to have your pictures put on display in the Bait al Zubair museum - not bad if you're an aspiring photographer! Oh, and also RO 1,000 to be spent at Nikon.
Now if you are not a photographer but like looking at nice photo's of Oman, you can vote for your favourite pictures by checking out this website here, and liking the ones you like the most... simple!
le fin.
Red Bull's 5pics
Reviewed by Sythe
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

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