Coming up on Thursday 16th April at 7:30pm is an evening of interest for the Liverpool fans out there among you, but not just Liverpool fans, because between them they've played for 8 clubs. Gary McAllister and Jason McAteer will sharing stories from both on and off the pitch during their time at Liverpool as well as from the rest of their careers at the club and international levels.
Sports Speaker are returning to Oman this time after a false-start last year with the unfortunate clash with Eid meaning their last event had to be cancelled at the last moment. This won't be happening this time I am assured!
The event will be taking place at the InterContinental ballroom and tickets cost RO 30 which includes dinner, sports auction and prize raffles.
You can buy tickets right now online, just head over to and fill in the form.
However, I've got two pairs of tickets to give away to some lucky people, and all you have to do is answer the questions below. Only the winner's email is shared with the event company (so they can contact you with your tickets) - I never give out any email addresses collected in these competitions otherwise.
le fin.
Win tickets to an evening with Gary McAllister and Jason McAteer here in Muscat
Reviewed by Sythe
Wednesday, March 18, 2015

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