Coming up soon is the 2015 edition of Earth Hour. This year it's on Saturday March 28th between 8:30 and 9:30pm. Just like I blogged about it in 2014, 2013, 2012 and 2011, I'll be taking part in this initiative and I urge you all to as well. But the key thing to take from this is that it's not about turning off your lights for an hour, its about making changes to reduce your overall power consumption all year round.
The Environmental Society of Oman is the focal point for Earth Hour Oman activities and they urge everyone to join in and pledge their support to the initiative by signing the pledge (they promise they will never spam you with anything with the data they collect).
My top tip for energy conservation is to do with chargers... phone, laptop, whatever, they use power when plugged in, regardless of whether they're charging your devices or not... so when you're done charging your phone or whatever, unplug the charger!
le fin.
Earth Hour in Oman this Saturday March 28th
Reviewed by Sythe
Sunday, March 22, 2015

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