The Omani Association for the disabled has a fun charity fundraiser coming up this Saturday 28th February. The Got Hope colour run is to be held from 9am at the Qurum park - all proceeds go towards the Omani Association for Disabled and adults (13+) are RO 5, and kids (5-12) are RO 3. The kids race is 1K and starts at 10am, and the adults race is 3K and starts at 11am.
You can checkout the @GotHope instagram page for more information, To enter you have to have the t-shirt (which is what costs RO 5 or 3) and you can buy a t-shirt ahead of time at either Love at first Bite or Mini's Boutique.
More soon.
le fin.
Got hope?
Reviewed by Sythe
Thursday, February 26, 2015

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