Eid al Adha announced

It's official, the dates for the upcoming Eid al Adha have now been announced. Eid itself falls on Saturday 4th of October.

Eid holidays are to fall between Friday 3rd October and Thursday 9th October, with a return to work on Sunday 12th October.

Now.... I wonder if there are any flights left....

le fin.
Eid al Adha announced Eid al Adha announced Reviewed by Sythe on Thursday, September 25, 2014 Rating: 5


  1. We had booked our trip to Thailand in anticipation of a 2+5+2 days holiday during eid-al-adha. Keeping our fingers crossed till it is announced officially.

    Good to read in your blog that we get back to office only on 12th!!!!

  2. Chaks I don't know what you're waiting for. I NEVER blog the dates until it's official.

  3. Last year they weren't that generous with the vacation. Anyone know why they are giving more vacation time this year?

  4. Yes, I know, but if I told you then I would have to kill you. That's just the way it goes in the life of a hard man with insider info.


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