LuLu starts it's "Food is Great Britain" event today

It's that time of year again when there's a reliable supply of Murray Mints and Hartleys Jams in LuLus again... it's their British food festival again, and it starts today. Which means I expect to see a British Sweets Pyramid, a lot like the Vimto Pyramids from Ramadan (which interestingly I awarded best one to LuLu Bowsher last year) I expect great things from them again(!). 

So if you are looking to grab a little item that reminds you of home, or you just happen to like some British food products not always available here, get over to your local LuLu's sharpish.

More soon.

le fin.
LuLu starts it's "Food is Great Britain" event today LuLu starts it's "Food is Great Britain" event today Reviewed by Sythe on Sunday, May 11, 2014 Rating: 5

Post Comments


  1. Interesting that one of the products with prominence on the poster is Quaker Oats- owned by Pepsi and made in Chicago.
    I seem to remember that last year it looked like there were a lot of dubious looking 'british' products.

  2. ...and Onken yogurt, which is German...!


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