Sue Pownall is having her 4th annual charity event this weekend, and this time it is to help raise funds for the children in Syria Unicef appeal which is currently going on.
Basically turn up with your own paper and pencil, or crayons or whatever you like to draw with, and then draw a sketch of something you like anytime between 10am and 5pm this coming Saturday at the MuscArt studio which is on the 3rd floor of the Ghubra Plaza on 18th November St in Ghubra, close to the Porche dearlership.
If all of that sounds a bit daunting for you, but you like the idea of donating towards Unicef's children of Syria appeal, Sue's setup a donation portal that you can donate through, its here:
Theres a facebook event page here with more information too.
Have a good weekend.
le fin.
Sketch Muscat - Charity fundraiser for Syrian kids
Reviewed by Sythe
Thursday, April 17, 2014

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