Happy St Patricks day

Top o the morning to ya and all that stuff. Most Irish people reading this will have probably already had the double-whammy of the Irish ball and the fact they won the 6 nations this year this weekend just passed, but, as ever, they will like to celebrate today.

There's not a lot happening around town for St Patricks day tonight (the ball was last weekend), but the Hyatt's Safarai and Habana Sports bars are offering green themed drinks at RO 3 a pop.

The T band are also playing down at the new Route 66 tonight as well.

The US Embassy are also hosting a free concert at the MGM tonight between 7 and 9pm, and then again at the Grand Hyatt tomorrow from 5 and 7pm. This is the latest in their installment in free music events around town, and is a departure from the usual Jazz, with this one being a more modern style of music.

le fin.
Happy St Patricks day Happy St Patricks day Reviewed by Sythe on Monday, March 17, 2014 Rating: 5

Post Comments


  1. What / where is Route 66? Thanks

  2. Route 66 is a new bar that is open at the Qurum Beach Resort (near to where Feeny's is/was). I've not found a facebook page for it yet.

  3. It's the only place in town with a live band!!

  4. Sugar.I missed the gig today of Audiopharmacy.How was it?

  5. Here is the facebook page for Route 66. Also haven't been but they seem to be doing evenings with T-Band playing some rock staples and DJs like Chris Lambley doing spots too.
    10/10 for being keen!

  6. Oops:



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