Passage to India celebrates Onam on 20th September

Some of you may know that the Passage to India restaurant down at Hatat House is my favourite spot for a Ruby, and I was pleased when it reopened earlier this year. Aloo Methi Tiki, yum yum. And of course a nice cold beer to wash it all down :)

This Friday (20th) they are celebrating Onam (festival of Kerala) and have a special menu laid on.

So if you like your rubies, maybe check it out this Friday.

You can call them on 9679 0694 or 9512 4165 for a reservation or more information.

le fin.
Passage to India celebrates Onam on 20th September Passage to India celebrates Onam on 20th September Reviewed by Sythe on Wednesday, September 18, 2013 Rating: 5

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Indian people, Especially people from Kerala celebrates Onam. Onam Ashamsakal 2014 can be shared to all friends and families. Anyway happy wishing for Onam.


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