Bowling in Muscat

Last month I was emailing back and forth with some visiting Canadian Navy people who were interested in bowling in Oman. I actually found it quite hard to find decent information all in one place for fans of bowling here, so I thought I'd put together a little post about it.

As far as I know, in the capital, there are 3 separate bolwing alleys:

Al Masa Bowling Alley. Open Hours: 9:30am-1:00am (Tel: +968 2469 3991) Located in Shattie Al Qurum
Oman Bowling Centre. Open Hours:Not sure but similar to Al Masa(Tel: +968 2448 0747) Located in Al Khuwair
Funzone Oman. Open from 9:00am till midnight has bowling alley and also an ice skating rink. (Tel: +968 2466 2951) Located in Qurum

If you know of another bowling alley in town, let me know and I'll add it to this list!

Enjoy the weekend!

le fin.
Bowling in Muscat Bowling in Muscat Reviewed by Sythe on Wednesday, January 16, 2013 Rating: 5

Post Comments


  1. Canadian Navy, Eh ? Now that Timmies is in town we get a show of force too ? Did they bring the big canoe ?

  2. Oman bowling center timing from morning 10 am to 2 am in the morning..


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