Farm Alarm this weekend, with Mims

Farm Alarm is back again, its basically a party in the middle of nowhere. There's free BBQ all night long and it runs on till half past 3. Swimming is allowed so make sure you bring appropriate clothing for that. The weather will be a bit chilly due to winter in December meaning your dress code can be anything but preferable you keep shorts and flip flops. No formal dress allowed for men.

Mims, a rapper from New York, who has had hit singles “This Is Why I’m Hot, Like This & Move If You Wana” will be appearing and entertaining at the gig too.

Event tickets prices start at 5 OMR for girls and 15 OMR for boys. Farm Alarm is set to start at 8:00pm and will go on till 3:30am in the morning.

Here's the map on how to get there:

Farm Alarm is strictly 18+.

Facebook Event Page: Farm Alarm 6.12.12
Instagram: Meisaneventsent
Twitter Handle:

+968-97661214 or +968-97773122 for direct purchase

le fin.

Farm Alarm this weekend, with Mims Farm Alarm this weekend, with Mims Reviewed by Sythe on Tuesday, December 04, 2012 Rating: 5

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