Wow! I'm 3!

Well time does fly doesn't it? On this day, 3 years ago, I made my first blog post. And one fellow blogger (at the time - it's a shame she's stopped blogging) commented and welcomed me to "bloggerland".

Here we are,  3 years on, 513 blog posts, over 3500 blog comments, 1735+ Facebook fans and over 700,000 page views later the blog is still muttering along. It's been a lot of fun writing this blog, I've met a lot of people I probably never would have met, and experienced things I probably never would have experienced without ze blog. I highly recommend starting your own blog if you've been thinking about it - just start rambling away!

Thank you for reading my mutterings, I honestly never dreamed so many of you would.

le fin.
Wow! I'm 3! Wow! I'm 3! Reviewed by Sythe on Thursday, July 26, 2012 Rating: 5

Post Comments


  1. You don't look happy in the photo! Jokes aside, keep it up mate :)

  2. Nice one Mr Sythe!

    And I love the advertorials- well done successfully commercialising a blog in little old Oman.


  3. Mabrook and Happy Anniversary!

  4. Dear readers of this website,

    Ramadan Kareem.

    God is not a Delusion — A book by a Muslim doctor presents arguments against atheism.

    This book is out in the market now. Please visit the following link for details.

    Kind regards,

  5. Hey my friends and I have started a blog as a school project. It's a little bit about anything local.

  6. Thanks for the well-wishes everyone!

    Ali - please dont promote your book on religion on my blog, especially when the blog post has absolutely nothing to do with your book. Do it again and I'll delete your comments.

    As for muscatvibe - good luck, and stick with it!

  7. Very impressive stats, Sythe! Congratulations! Keep up the great blogging!

  8. I came upon your blog today and liked your thoughts very much, 3 rd year of blogging! congrats, now I will start following your blog Mr. Sythe!Keep it going!


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