An update on the InterCon hotel staff strikers

So after blogging about the InterCon strike earlier today, it appears to have evoked a statement from a source close to the situation currently unfolding with the t'intercon in Muscat. They've sent me a statement via a third party PR agency and I figured I'd share it with you all, here it is:


A number of Omani employees at the InterContinental Hotel Muscat went on strike on June 10th 2012. This case dates back to March 2011 where a number of employees went on strike and had 11 requests and demands of which all were met and an agreement was signed on May 16th 2011 stating that the employees will not request for additional demands for a period of two years. The agreement was signed by a representative from the Ministry of Manpower, the General Labor Union, the General Manager of the InterContinental Hotel Muscat, a representative from Omran and a representative from the InterContinental Hotel Muscat Labor Union.

Representatives from the Ministry of Manpower visited the hotel on December 12th 2011 to confirm that all parties were abiding by the agreement which entailed increase in salary, health insurance, end of service gratuity, revision of human resource policy structure and adjustments to the pay scale. The hotel management also extended financial assistance to employees who wish to complete their education. In 2011, a 3% increase in wages and increments was awarded.

The hotel management was surprised to recently receive a letter with five demands after which seven meetings were held with the InterContinental Hotel Muscat Labor Union, one of which was with Omran’s Chairman. An agreement was reached and signed on May 23rd 2012. A few days later, the demands increased to a total of 18 and were being reviewed by the hotel management. During this time, a number of the employees went on strike with the knowledge that the act was illegal as per the laws of the Ministry of Manpower and the General Labor Union. The employees also requested that wages are not deducted during the strike days even though it is illegal.


So, these guys signed a document saying they've got what they wanted last year and they won't complain for 2 years... and 1 year later they are at it again. And to put the boot in these staff members are saying they want to get paid while they strike as well?! Madness. It will be interesting to see what the Ministry of Manpower do with this one, hopefully they stick to the agreement signed last year, otherwise I suspect it'll be a short time before the rest of the hotel's in town has staff striking too.

le fin.
An update on the InterCon hotel staff strikers An update on the InterCon hotel staff strikers Reviewed by Sythe on Monday, June 11, 2012 Rating: 5

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  1. Unbelievable..I cannot see how they can justify their actions...with most of the world at the moment in financial meltdown, yet, having a 'secure' job (coz they are Omani), decide to strike!! This is pure greed and exploitation on the employees behalf!! I would be very interested to know if the 'union' represented ALL of the hotel staff, OR, just Omani's ....They are not doing themselves ANY favours!!

  2. NOw its started to get complicated the Ministry of Manpower will not get involved!! Same thing has happened in the desert about 2 weeks ago, Omanis went on strike with a number of demands (including a demand for what equates to a 60% increase in total salary, plus a number of other demands). Last year when this happened the Ministry got involved and promised everything that was demanded, this year both the Ministry & PDO have washed their hands of it and told the companies to sort it out!! If this trend continues whereever it may be the country will be in trouble like other parts of the world, investors are already holding back on investments. THERE IS A LIMIT

  3. This is where the government should step in and sack the sniveling little shits.
    There are competent Omanis waiting in the wings for opportunities and here they are.
    In the meantime, investors step back and reassess the option of other countries where they can hire and fire based on a meritocracy and not the needs of an infantile employment system that hobbles companies across the board.

  4. The Intercont Strike follows the one at Ras al Jinz. 200kms away but connected by Omrans involvement and the dissatisfaction of the staff with Omran.
    The staff at the Intercont must assume that short of them committing a crime worthy of capital punishment they are un-sackable. This means that they can continue to negotiate even after signature of a contract. I suspect that David Todd, who has been in Oman for some years, wont loose a great deal of sleep over this because at the end of the day, what can he do?
    Probably the day will be approaching when the Government will need to consider if private companies can be forced to employ staff and also not be able to sack them. Or will it be a case of those to access to a bottomless source of money will be the only ones able to survive.

  5. Anon about the desert workers: Yeah, but the desert workers, some of them were JAILED for striking and that was the response. And some of their demands were decent. I am not saying all.

  6. If this keeps on going, companies will stop operations in this country, Jobs lost, country revenues going down and in another 5-10 years country goes in debt, and the invasion begins!

  7. I wonder if they know just how funny we find these wild cat strikes. If I see them protesting for better treatment of expat cleaners and handimen then I might have some sympathy. What a joke.

  8. I wonder if they know just how funny we find these wild cat strikes. If I see them protesting for better treatment of expat cleaners and handimen then I might have some sympathy. What a joke.

  9. *handymen.

    And if they find their situation bad, then perhaps they could spare a thought for their overworked, underpaid, likely abused maids.

  10. WOW!! Hopefully this is not the future of Oman. I'd hate to see this beautiful place fall back into the dark ages if it's people start behaving like this.

    Fortunately it doesn't seem to be everyone but more and more Omanis seem to think they are entitled to more than they deserve and that their service to this nation is a privilege the nation can't afford.

    How merciful the authority and leadership has been. Back home, I'd get a kick in the teeth and then have to pay for the recovery and find another job.

  11. "Give to me this!" (Self-entitlement)

    "Big company. You have money. I want that. Give to me. I need!" (Ignorance)

    "I late, yes. What your broblem? You no talk me like that. I Omani." (Arrogance)

    "Where is Gupta?. He will do it. I tired. And I need take this call now. Important." (Laziness)

    "I need day off now. Wife is sick. My son he need go school. I must go court now. My friend he need me. I will come back one hour." (Lies)

    Sum total: Doomed.

  12. Omani's not complain ?! Impossible. Am really shocked that any hotel would agree to pay any amount to education costs. Especially in Oman where they hand out bank loans like lollipops.

    Omani's are childish, spoilt, naive, lazy, on the bad side on the good...they are lovely, kind, generous, naive, polite....

    Revolution....Omani's just want more more more but not willing to work more more more. Sad but true. Welcome to Oman the WELFARE STATE.

  13. Most hilarious of all demands - request to be paid while striking. And an illegal strike at that.
    Friend got in to work in morning straight from overnight flight with baby and young child. Omani worker told her she was going home because she 'felt tired'. Not an option for my expat friend.

    Confused of Muscat.


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