Oman V Australia - win free tickets!

The nice people at the Oman Football Association have given me 2 pairs of reserved seating tickets to give away for the Oman V Australia game on the 8th of June at 5pm at the Sultan Qaboos Sports Complex in Ghubra/Bowsher. The tickets are worth RO 15 each, and I have 2 pairs to give away, a total value of RO 60. This will be the last time to see Oman playing at home until the fall, when they will be taking on Jordan :)

The OFA in recent years seem to have been improving soccer here in the Sultanate, most notably with Oman's trip to the Olympic qualifiers in the UK earlier this year, and also making it through the qualifying rounds for the World Cup. In fact the OFA have setup a special World Cup mini-site here and their Facebook group is pretty popular too.

Also here the games appear to be better set up to be entertaining, with more food and drink stalls available (can anyone remember the days when you couldn't get any water, nor bring it in with you)? So it really does seem like things are improving.

As it happens, this Sunday Oman are playing Lebanon also at the Sultan Qaboos Sports Complex with the KO being at 6pm and tickets are free - not bad at all!

All you have to do to be in the running for the free tickets to see Oman V Australia is either leave a comment here, or drop me an email on mrsythe [at] gmail [dot] com. Remember - if you leave a comment here, be sure to leave a way for me to contact you should you win!
Bon chance!

le fin.
Oman V Australia - win free tickets! Oman V Australia - win free tickets! Reviewed by Sythe on Wednesday, May 23, 2012 Rating: 5

Post Comments


  1. Now that's something really nice to look forward to :)

    Would be awesome to get lucky....

    JMS -

  2. I can say we are fully ready for this match....wakow :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. We pray and hope we win.


  5. that is awesome! wish I am lucky enough....

  6. Hello! I sent an email but not sure if its going to go through, I would love to see the aussie vs oman match! I'm a college student here in oman on a student budget!

    Would love to have a ticket!

    Olivia McDonough
    Olivia.mcdonough (at) hot mail (dot) (com)

  7. I send you an email.
    I hope and I cross my fingers


  8. This country deserve to have a competitive football team.

  9. OMG I am an Aussie living in Salalah - so far from home!
    It's my birthday in June. I'm not going home this summer. Seeing the Socceroos would make my day, my year! Jude,

  10. Hello! At

  11. Hi! We're 4 Brazilians living in Oman. We really want to see Oman playing in Brazil in the next World Cup but before we shall see Oman beat Australia in Muscat on 6 June. Hope you can help us. To contact us:

  12. Let me add one information: 16 June is my birthday and I would love to gain the tickets as a birthday gift... We're fanatics for football, as good Brazilians are!

  13. Keeping my fingers crossed!
    Hope I am lucky to watch this match live.

  14. Hip hip hurray!
    Three cheers to the Oman team.
    East or West Oman is the best!

  15. This is a real treat for a football fan like me.
    Oman do us proud!


  17. OMAN!!

  18. I advice you all not to go to Badr Al Sama . First their charges are very much higher then other good hospitals . Second their attitudes are very bad...,,

  19. Thank you for this! I am planning to go to the Oman v Singapore game tomorrow and am trying to find out if food and drinks are available inside Sultan Qaboos Sports Complex. From your post it sounds like they are. Thanks!


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