Sketch Crawl Muscat

A regular reader has written in and asked us all to help spread the word about her fund raising event for Oman's National Association for Cancer Awareness. It starts on Thursday the 12th of April in the Muttrah Corniche entrance to the Souq at 9am, and runs till 1pm and culminates at le Brasserie. She ran a similar event to this last year in Qatar for relief for Japan, and raised a total of $466, which she's hoping to beat this year.

A minimum donation of RO 4 ($10) is suggested, and she would love to meet other budding sketch artists around town to join in on her fund raising endeavor.

le fin.
Sketch Crawl Muscat Sketch Crawl Muscat Reviewed by Sythe on Monday, April 09, 2012 Rating: 5


  1. Mr. Sythe,
    How am I supposed to start my weekend without a "Muscat Mutterings Weekend report"?! This just doesn't feel right, I tell you! I hope everything is OK with you, buddy. :-)

  2. Thank you for advertising the event. I'm still collecting but unfortunately haven't quite matched last years total... as of this morning at 166or $430.


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