Muscat Daily's scoop on Adeyon Talents

Its Saturday and that means back to work for most of us.

I was surprised to see Muscat Daily splashed across it's front page the first of a 2 part exclusive story exposing Adeyeon Talents as a scam. The story is online here, or you can buy the paper for 100bz. It's good to support genuine local journalism, so consider coughing the 100bz if you happen to see it on your travels today.

Now the sting seems to be with the raffle for the 2 lambo's - the VIP cards are accepted, I myself used one and got a discount in Adidas at MCC lately. So the VIP cards seem to be working, its just the lottery tickets. I'm sure tomorrow we'll get to read more of the juicy details - rumour has it the people at the top of Adeyeon Talents have been arrested, but no idea if thats true or not.

Moving on, still with Muscat Daily, Dhofari Journalist, Susan Mubarak wrote a very good article about domestic help workers and their plight. It's a very good read, I recommend you read it if you haven't already done so.

In other news, yesterday it emerged that Oman Air have announced their new CEO: Mr Wayne Pearce, who has previously worked at Etihad as their head of strategy and planning, Qantas and UK based travel agency Gold Medal Travel. The story broke on the Oman Air SWAP group on facebook yesterday morning and I saw a note on the cover of the Muscat Daily today confirming it.

Oman Air's new CEO, Wayne Pearce

Best of luck to him, I'm sure he'll do fine :)

And finally for today, local blogger (now retired it seems) Muscat Jet Driver, has opened his archives for reading. I highly recommend these few stories for some laughs:

Rock Bottom Muscat
Omani Space Program

Some hilarious writing, worth reading!

More tomorrow!

le fin.
Muscat Daily's scoop on Adeyon Talents Muscat Daily's scoop on Adeyon Talents Reviewed by Sythe on Saturday, January 07, 2012 Rating: 5


  1. I for one am not surprised that there are not two people driving around in a new Lambo and I said as much at the time!
    I haven't used my VIP card yet as I don't really frequent many of the places that I can use it but glad that it is still being accepted by those who do.

  2. New Oman Air CEO official announcement was made on FB page of Oman Air on Thursday evening.

  3. why are some entities named and shamed and others protected as though they are Allah's sovereign fund??

  4. BigManInOman - yeah I would never have bought mine, luckily I won one through the radio. It did seem odd.

    Kishor - thanks for the correction!

    White asp - you have a good point there...

  5. @ white asp: It is simple- A company that has gone bankrupt cannot sue the paper. The producers of chicken products can. Whilst we must admire Muscat Daily for pushing the envelope where they can, they are also fully aware of 'how shit works' here and protect the bottom line also- I am sure the revenue from chicken product companies and their affiliated companies makes up a percentage, however small, of their annual income.

  6. I have to add to White asp and BigMan's posts. this is Oman. no one wants to see their name in any paper unless it is about them receiving a meaningless gift from an excellency. negative stories - sorry we don't want to be part of them.
    Automotive co will not be too happy with their name being dragged into the public eye (irrespective of whether they are portrayed as the victims). I hear they are currently having top level meetings at HQ to deal with this information leakage despite threats to the paper to stop. you will see this in the number of ads withdrawn from the paper by them and their group companies.
    Anonymous coward

  7. This news posted in muscat daily is fake, i bought 2 vip cards for me and my wife and i got discounts in many places, i wonder why who benefit from making great ideas vanish?!!


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