The Script free tickets winner!

Tomorrow is the Jay Sean and Shontelle concert, but next Wednesday is The Script, and once again I've been fourtunate enough to get 2 free VIP tickets to give away right here on ze blog. Tickets are still available, but they really are going quickly - it's going to be a very well attended concert - I kinda wish I was going to be there!

A special congratulations to Jinan AL-Busaidi who has won the 2 free VIP tickets to see The Script on November 16th.

More coming soon!

le fin.

The Script free tickets winner! The Script free tickets winner! Reviewed by Sythe on Tuesday, November 08, 2011 Rating: 5

Post Comments


  1. heey ! I am really excited to watch the the script alive! they are awesome!
    are there any free VIP tickets still to give away?


  2. Yeah, wait your turn dude. I've been begging shamelessly for a freebie off this man for ages and still got no love. ;)

  3. Hi there !!! Hope you're gonna have a wonderful christmas & new year this time !! Pray tell me when do most of the stores & malls go on sale in Muscat!!
    Thanks & BTW love your keeps me better informed than most newspapers & magazines...


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