Oman Sail has recently launched it's latest initiative to get children involved with sailing: Sail with Colours.
To celebrate the Omani Year of Children 2012, Oman Sail is launching an online contest for children, to design a sail for a small dinghy sail boat RS Q'BA.
This contest is the first response to the announcement of Year of Children 2012 in the Sultanate. There is an important story to tell to all children living in the Sultanate about Oman's maritime and seafaring heritage - the contest is a fun way to encourage children’s artistic talents whilst helping to raise awareness of the emerging sailing culture among the youth in Oman. The contest targets children aged between 6 and 16 years and can be entered via Oman Sail’s Facebook page.
The ‘Sail with Colours’ competition is to find the best design for a sail of an RS Q’BA boat. Entries are from school children falling into two categories: the first category is for children aged from 6 to 11 years and the second for those aged between 12 and 16 years. Both Omani and expatriate children can participate in the contest.
1. First prize is a RS Q'BA boat! (Pictured below)
2. Second prize is a weekend stay and sailing courses at the Shangri-La Resort and Spa and a certificate.
3. Third prize is a super surprise!
Participants can submit their designs by uploading their artwork to, or e-mailing their work to Alternatively the contestants can deliver their artwork by hand to the reception at Oman Sail headquarters located at The Wave, Muscat. The Oman Sail judging committee will select the top 30 designs. From these 30 shortlisted designs, the top 10 will be selected by a jury team which includes high profile officials. Finally, the top 3, and the overall winning entry will be selected via public voting on Facebook.
Hameed al Balushi, the popular sports TV presenter will be the spokesperson for the sail design contest.
Oman Sail has a huge focus on the youth of Oman, and teaching young Omanis to sail is the primary objective of the company. Its Try Sailing program will teach over 30,000 young Omanis to sail by 2015. These innovative training programmes are inspiring a new generation to discover and enjoy sailing. The first graduates of Oman Sail's training programme have already achieved many victories as part of their elite inshore and offshore racing teams.
Here are a few notes about the competition:
1.The contest will be officially launched on Facebook ( with full details on November 1, 2011.
2.The last date for submission of entries is December 16. The public voting feature will be open on Facebook from 27 to 31 of December 2011. The top 3 winners in each category will be announced on 1 January 2012.
3.Online will be the main channels of communication for the contest.
4.Facebook will be the online platform for competition information and submission of sail designs.
5.The Facebook page tab will be specifically designed for the contest and include a video about the contest (in Arabic), terms and conditions of the contest, a form through which contestants can easily fill and upload their submissions, and a downloadable template for the sail to be painted on.
Basically, you download this .pdf file and colour in the sail... heres a sample...
Oman Sails new contest: Sail with Colours
Reviewed by Sythe
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Oman Sail pissing away more of the countries money- what does this actually mean to anyone?
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ReplyDeleteYou would be amazed at how many young Omanis have still to grasp the concept of national pride - they are proud to be Omani, no doubt, but that comes with certain responsibilities and knowing what those responsibilities are and living up to them, is what is important.
Sport is a great way to teach this concept and both Oman Sail, the Oman Football Association and a host of other national teams are working tirelessly with outreach programs for the youth of Oman, and are also carrying the Omani flag around the world, trading culture and information. What they give out to the world, they get back in kind. There is a two-way process of learning.
Oman Sail as a racing team are now very well-known and respected as a force to be reckoned with. They are an exceptionally well put together team, with a great mix of Omani and expat sailors on-board.
Oman needs projects like this. HM Sultan Qaboos understands the importance of an international presence for this country and I only hope that his successor will have the same selfless devotion to the Omani people, rather than using the position to meet his own financial needs.
Oman is truly blessed to have such a great leader at the helm.
Why not head over to the Oman Sail offices and get some more information about the group, or better still, grab one of the crew on walkabout at the marina and buy them a coffee. The adventures that they have experienced since forming Oman Sail are a delight to hear, and they are always happy to share them with you.
Bottom line: it is far from wasted money. It is a brilliant concept, and it works!
Mr Jet- I also agree with OmanSail and the idea- but I do not understand this to give someone a boat.
ReplyDeleteWhy not give the winner and 10 friends the chance to come sailing until they are 18 yrs of age?