Muscat Grand Mall - store listing

As promised, here is some more information on Muscat Grand Mall's new stores. There are quite a few and I didn't bother listing out all the smaller stores but have made a list of most of the bigger stores.

So here we go, in no particular order (and of course some things may change):

H&M (Al Shaya)
"Toy Store" (no idea, but perhaps Toy's R Us?)
Books Plus (Apparel Group)
Max (Landmark Group)
Emax (Landmark Group)
The Body Shop (Assarain)
VaVaVoom (Al Shaya)

Mango (Jawad Group)
K Corner
Oman Mobile
Chic Shoes
Charles & Keith (Apparel Group)
Bread Talk (Bin Mirza)
Lala Rose
Claires (Al Shaya)
Payless Shoes (Al Shaya)
Mothercare (Al Shaya)
ELC (Al Shaya)
Yateem Opticals
Sunglasses Hut
Gulf Greetings
Centre Point
Capital Stores
Costa Coffee (Jawad Group)
Pinkberry (Al Shaya) (woohoo!)
Magrabi Opticals
Mona Lisa
Spring (Apparel Group)
Tips & Toes
Nandos (Bin Mirza)
Finland Eye Centre
Marble Slab Creamery
Caribou Cafe
Gloria Jeans Coffee
Edible 2 Go
The Pizza Company
Chillis (Bin Lahej group)
Uno Chicago Grill
Dr Nutrition
Joe Bloggs
Mom & Me
Hobby Land
DQ (Jawad Group)
Burger King
City Cinema (3 screens)
Fun City (Landmark Group)

That's quite the selection, and obviously not set in stone, but it clears up the rumour that Al Tayer are not currently leasing units for their brands in the mall, but Al Shaya are. I wonder what the LuLu Mall people have to say about that?

I also heard that perhaps P.F. Changs would be coming to the mall too, but didnt see it confirmed yet.

The Mall is slated to open on October 25th, but from the information I've seen, I think it'll be December or possibly even later than that.

Personally I'm pretty happy Pinkberry is going to be closer to town :) I wonder if H&M will stock men's clothes?

So what do you think?

le fin.
Muscat Grand Mall - store listing Muscat Grand Mall - store listing Reviewed by Sythe on Saturday, August 27, 2011 Rating: 5

Post Comments


  1. so happy with the list! i cant wait for the new mall to open! i am SO bored with the 2 "big" malls we have here at the moment! Gloria Jean is coming here too! yey!

  2. so what about marks and spencers? i expected them in Muscat Grand Mall (MGM)

  3. this mall is bang opposite my apartment..

  4. Erm - this is really much of the same old stuff! We need some NEW stores.. ok, there are a few, but way too much repetition in my opinion, and surely we already have too many of:
    Centre Point
    Personally, I'd swap all of the telecoms stores and max/emax for Ikea, Karen Millen, A larger Next store (with petites, talls etc.), and some decent restaurants!! Why Biela closed in MCC, I'll never know - tragic...

  5. Marks and Spencer's are moving out of Markas Al Bhaja and into City Centre Seeb. However, they are waiting on Gap to move out of their current location and I have no idea where they are planning to move to.

  6. James - GAP already moved to their new location in the food court at MCC - next to the Sun & Sand sports place, it's open - I bought some stuff there on the weekend.

    Everyone else - thanks for your comments!

    Jay - I guess you'll have lots of dinner options then ;)

  7. Gap are moving down to where to Toy Store used to be by the food court in MCC.

    I agree with the previous commenter though - far too much repetition - why oh why can't we get some new stores into Muscat - I am fed up of the same old same old everywhere all the time - there are only so many Clarks stores that you can go to, especially when they are so expensive and don't stock children's shoes. I'm pleased to see a few more children's clothes stores but other than that yawn-o-rama !

    Becky x

  8. Very Samey Samey - Now that Nandos is open in MCC, I really don't feel a need to go the this mall - except for Pinkberry!

    BTW - Glora Jean's Coffee Bean is a chain of coffee shops.

  9. Boooooooring! I am so disappointed :-(

  10. IKEA, Ace Hardware, Yo Sushi, Cheese Cake Factory, Wendys, better computer stores, need to come to town. Otherwise frequent day trips/weekends to Dubai is still required.

  11. Where this mall is exactly located in Muscat?

  12. Right next to LuLu's in Ghubrah/Bowsher :)

  13. So disappointed. So they just gathered all the stores we already have and put them in one building. I see a few noteworthy additions, but still disappointed, I really thought it'd be more 'grand' - pun intended.

  14. any idea when Ikea gets here???

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I am pleased their is a Dr Nutrition coming, finally! As for the rest, well pretty much the same as what we have. Such a shame no book store. And what about a decent craft store? Ah well I guess we just have to wait a little longer and maybe we won't spend so much, lol.


  18. we want IKEA Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaase !

  19. ooohhh!! unlimited choices and unlimited offers!! all under one roof...lovely!! where is its location please? thanks Sythe :)

  20. Muscat badly needs some new stores. Why don't they bring in Oasis, River Island, Koton, New look, Sun and Sand Sports, Coast and more. Even a big department store such as Debehams.

  21. TGI Fridays also opening in Khuwair ... I think things are coming ... We just need more spending power for people to encourage others =(

  22. UNO Chicago Grill! Woo Hoo! They have REAL pizza. Not the crap you get here that people put ketchup on. I can dig it!

  23. Isn't everyone tired of all these fatty American food outlets? I'd like a Macaroni Grill, but at the same time I'm kind of glad Oman doesn't have too many of these places. I was in an Appelbees last week in the US, they list the calories on their menu now. A burger and fries was the low-cal main course option!

  24. Hi guys,
    My friends are opening a nice Russian Kitchen cafe in MGM as well as in the Qurum Fun City. They are going to offer a variety of home cooked pies, blini and other main courses. Name is Granny's Pie. Sounds promising and if they walk the walk we all are soon going to have another nice place to get some chow. Delivery will be there as well.

  25. It's basically a clone of the two city center malls. Dull.....

  26. It will take a bit of time for them to realize that what people want are new shops. But hey progress is progress!

  27. Boring, boring list! Same old, same old - and built in an area with terrible traffic problems already! (Though improvements are supposed to be made...)

    We could really use an IKEA and an Ace Hardware and some different restaurants (real Japanese, anyone?). I had heard there was going to be a Debenhams in the MGM, but I guess it was cancelled. I read it was because of the low status of the other stores in the mall. Maybe the local retailers have enough wasta to block a big modern Al-Futtaim-backed "Festival City" development in Oman? Would it really spoil Muscat's rustic charm? Maybe so, but it is frustrating to have to go to Dubai for so many things that other GCC metropolitan areas take for granted.

  28. Jexxi -

    Real Japanese can be had at Tokyo Taro in Al Falaj hotel in Ruwi, it's been there for years and is pretty authentic.

    Al Futtaim backed "Festival City" developments are already here: Qurum City Center and Muscat City Center are Majid Al Futtaim developments.

  29. Somebody mentioned Qurum Fun City. What is that? is it the new entertainment venue next to the Qurum Natural Park where a new ice rink is being built ?

    As for the store selection at MGM, it is quite good actually taking into account the spending power of both locals and residents of Oman. I agree, IKEA would have been an awsome idea, but it just needs some guts from a major businessman to commit to that.

  30. If you are boring go back home!

  31. I want Lush in Oman. Tired of ordering from the UK all the time and having to wait for a week and half to enjoy my Lush products. Please someone sponsor Lush, promise it's a hit with all females and males who like to give their body and skin a good treat =D

  32. ESPRIT is coming too

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  34. Yes! To have IKEA in Oman would be the greatest news for everyone. And some outdoor activity shops too that would carry brands like arcteryx, marmot, mammut, mountain hardware, etc. That would save me a lot of shipping costs. :)

    Thanks for the info.

    btw, would anyone know where victoria's secret shop will be?

  35. You are right, Sythe, on Sept. 5th, that QCC and MCC are Al Futtaim developments. I should have complained that they are abbreviated, cut-rate versions of their projects in the UAE. It would be nice to have a full-sized one in Oman, with an Ace Hardware and a big IKEA. Tokyo Taro is pitiful.

  36. The day I see a shop in Oman that stocks Mountain Hardware clothing and arcteryx gear I will rejoice like never before.

  37. Same old rubbish....

  38. Same old rubbish....

  39. Same old rubbish, someone obviously has a strangle hold on any new businesses coming to Oman

  40. Any idea when this new mall is supposed to open?

  41. actually.... we want ikea .. ikea ....ikea ...& we'd all be pleased if some newlook store and debenhams are at mgm .....the list ...which is not complete for sure sounds dull.... needs more developments...ikea would be the best ida!!!!! for the 5 or more past years wealeady fed up with mango.....cetrepoint, etc.... actually we need no more centrepoint ... there are depending on my knowledge ...3 or more stores ... isn't that boring...otherwise .. ithink if nothing more pleasurable stores and some of those rare ones are added .. it would not belike all of the people gathering at mgm

  42. Debenhams, MixX, Debenhams, Bhs, DEBENHAMS

  43. Ikea and debenhams plzzzzzzz

  44. we need some good resturants PLZ


  46. same think in muscat no more brand name in this mall

  47. you need ore brands people in oman are looking for places to shop but they dont find any you got to get more stores not stores that we already have in oman but cinema in the mall is a great idea so y dont u put more stuff like ice skating, bowling and some things you could do with family to enjoy not only SHOPPING

  48. you need ore brands people in oman are looking for places to shop but they dont find any you got to get more stores not stores that we already have in oman but cinema in the mall is a great idea so y dont u put more stuff like ice skating, bowling and some things you could do with family to enjoy not only SHOPPING

  49. look at the malls in UAE they have stores for candy, chocolate,popcorn they even have ski dubai which is going really well and will be good in oman because of the hot weather. you got to do these for money and if u get some money why dont you think of building more hotels and less houses so that there will be more tourists in oman to buy from muscat grand mall and the population will increase then you can build more malls in places like azaiba, shatti qurum, or other places with less malls so that people from there will have a mall to go to like MGM the people who live in khuwair will go there most, because its close to them and if you build in azaiba or shatti people living there will also go to the mall close to them .there is a big population in azaiba but not a lot of malls so try your best to make our country the best

  50. any new on this new mall is opening or do I have to continue to go to Dubai to spend my money I would much rather spend it here as I love Oman and the people

  51. are you joking !? this shops are just boring ! its mostly just the same shops like in mcc or qcc !
    there are even some shops which i havent even heard about it ! :S
    i'm really disappointed
    theres no progress at all

    ikea , some skate shops (young people love them) , ralph lauren or any shops like are in need

  52. It's sad.. probably they would've looked out for ventures with most of the mentioned companies, but these companies must have never been willing.. Oman market anyday is comparatively way small in terms of market segmented people, especially the cream crowd, visiting such malls than Dubai and elsewhere..

  53. I think putting IKEA in was a bad move. Other crappy stores such as centrepoint will start losing customers because IKEA's furniture quality will is unbeaten and there will be conflicts. And so they will be bankruptcy (if there are like, only 30 customers a day). Lulu is already pissed on the location of the new mall. I mean, Why would you build a mall next to another one? that's just gonna make trouble.

  54. Oman will try to limit the amount of entertainment facilities so that their culture is kept (unlike the Dubai, their goal was to become like New York, and they happen to fail).

  55. We need Ikea - real bad - surely this would drastically reduce people travelling all the way to Dubai - Oman severely lacks good quality, affordable furniture shops - please please IKEA you got to come here and SOOOOOON

  56. Having the same shops in all the major malls is not going to do any good for the consumer or the shop as unlike in the UAE all the shopping malls in Oman are in close proximity to each other - WE NEED IKEA without a doubt - affordable office clothing - sadly M&S clothes are very pricy and more to the point not very trendy!!

  57. Any update on the opening...???

  58. what is the opening date of this mall?

  59. Hi

    Costa has opened today their doors to the customers

    carrefour is next

    the stores that are confirmed until now:
    homes r us
    al tazaj
    al makan cafe
    sharaf DG
    tim horton
    cherruti 1881
    cold stone
    gloria jeans
    muscat watches
    bank muscat
    yateem opticals

    and many others i dont remember i saw their names

  60. I can say pretty much the same stores we have!! What about Burberry, Topshop topman? Bershka?, and alot of other names that we find in Dubai Mall?? I hope the list will have some more extra shops before the mall opens.

  61. I can say pretty much the same stores we have!! What about Burberry, Topshop topman? Bershka?, and alot of other names that we find in Dubai Mall?? I hope the list will have some more extra shops before the mall opens.

  62. Al Madina Real Estate announces that Muscat Grand Mall of Tilal Complex close to opening

    Text size  
    Countdown now on for the soft opening of Muscat Grand Mall at the Al Tilal complex in Al Khuwair

    D-Day is 01 March 2012
    Muscat, 19 February 2011: Tilal Complex, a premium mix use development project has announced the soft opening of its flagship retail shopping development for the Omani public -- the all-new landmark Muscat Grand Mall.
    At the media briefing Tilal announced the soft opening of the largest shopping mall in Oman on 01 March.  This facility which accommodates 160 retail outlets will offer a vibrant experience to shoppers in the heart of Muscat.
    Located strategically in Al Khuwair, during the soft opening in March, it will be anchored by Carrefour Hypermarket and will include a wide range of brands and retail outlets that will be totally new to Oman. It will also be the first mall to a feature multiplex cinema, the largest food court, a children's entertainment area as well as a host of international restaurants and cafes.

    This fantastic shopping mall will also become a brand paradise for shoppers who are looking at merchandise from top brands and also brands that will be represented in Oman for the first time such as Sharaf DG, Homes R Us, Tim Horton's café, Garage, Aeropostale among others. Tilal are confident that visitors will enjoy refined shopping and entertainment experience in Oman in this one-stop destination. The promoters are confident that within a few weeks of its soft opening, Muscat Grand Mall will have more to offer.

    Speaking to the media Mr Abdul Rahman Barham, CEO of Al Madina Real Estate said: "We are delighted to make this announcement and take the opportunity to reiterate our commitment in promoting projects in the Sultanate in line with the goals and aspirations of the country. We are pleased to let the public know that the countdown has commenced to open Oman's largest and most exciting shopping mall in Al Khuwair."

    "This is just the beginning and gradually in a few weeks after we have opened our doors to customers, we are confident that customers and visitors will really value and enjoy the superb range of retail shopping facilities we have to offer besides our state of the art cinema and excellent food court and family facilities.  We are very proud of Muscat Grand Mall and the creation of a genuine landmark development not only for Muscat but for the whole of Oman," said Hassan Jaboub, General Manager of Muscat Grand Mall.

    As a business entity, Al Madina Real Estate is a leader in Oman with support from several high profile investors from across the region and has enjoyed sustained growth, high levels of customer satisfaction as a result of various innovative real estate projects that it has executed in the Sultanate.

    Now Muscat Grand Mall, the first phase of its latest premium mix use development projects - the Tilal complex located in Al Khuwair also includes Tilal Offices that will provide a headquarters for Nawras, Tilal Residences, 4 star hotel apartments and the largest health club.

    Abdul Rahman Barham added: "Al Madina Group and our associate companies are fully committed in supporting the Government and Ministry of Tourism in its vision and as a partner in progress will help develop and promote the infrastructure needed for it by investing in innovative real estate solutions such as the Tilal Al Khuwair. The benefits of such solutions we are sure will be enjoyed by members of the community and visitors to the Sultanate and will contribute in generating economic growth and employment opportunities for Omanis.

    Tilal Al Khuwair is the latest premium real estate project in Oman to be developed by Al Madina who already has a number of residential and commercial projects as part of the their portfolio in Al Mawaleh and Al Hail.


  63. I also heard that there is going to a world 1st in MGM which is a race track above the food court for racing of fast radio control cars, maybe even 2 or 3 tracks for buggys and race cars which will be fantastic for our youngsters (and aadults too as I want to go) in Oman. :o)

  64. Yea I heard that also - it is called "iRace" and the track is very big, should be very good fun when it opens and is in great area of the mall - they are finishing the track right now....I also hear they have digital lap timing the same as in real Formula 1!!

    Muscat needs things like this.

    Who wants to beat my lap?? ha ha

  65. How fast? Like theones in Carfour??!

  66. No - for the serious guys up to 120km/h!!

    They're crazy fast and amazing to watch - I'll be getting a takeaway and going up there for sure.

  67. How many stores have opened yet? And most importantly, when is Tim Hortons going to open? I just cant wait to get my hands on french vanilla.

  68. any asian restaurant opening there?

  69. ikea ikea ikea ikea ikea ikea ikea please

  70. No IKEA I'm afraid.

    Anchor stores include Homes r us, Carrefour and Sharaf DG.....only one open now is Carrefour....the other 2 will take a while.

    As for Tim Horton's I'm guessing 4 to 6 weeks and it'll be open.

  71. i was at opening on Thursday, very nice place. whemn the foodcourt is finsihed and cinema is open together with the people saying about the racing entertainment area i think it will be a very good fun place

  72. Any idea if there will be an iMax cinema as well?

  73. why you are not doing following ahops:
    1) Billabong (im sure that they are more demand in oman)
    5)Converse star

    and thats it all

  74. It's not a case of why they're not doing these brands it's a case of which brands want tenancy within the mall and who'll pay the rent.

    The cinema will have 3 screens and will be situated by HappyLand and iRace near the food court.

  75. please ikea open soon


  77. How about pull and bear , Jack
    N jns, jennifer, barhka ?? Those r never gina come to Mct ??

  78. I do agree we need more new stores like Debenhams , bloomingdales why did they close down banana republic.

  79. Bath and Body Works

  80. Is Gymborree going to be the play and music classes or the clothes shop?

  81. Is Gymborree going to be the play and music classes or the clothes shop?

  82. Your web search hit says Ikea and Ace Hardware, no mention in your list. What gives?

  83. r there any skateboard stores

  84. i liked R&B shop and there monaliza and spud there potato is awesome by the why some teen's go there to hookup ,go on a date or blind date and get boys attention i mean a girl was wearing an abaya and hejab and just a lip gloss , heels and a bag she walked to the toilet and i was there she took her hejab and abaya and put them in her bag then she pulled out a small makeup bag wish i didn't even saw her i was kind of shoked she went out of the toilet and i followed her she went to a boy pulled something out of her bag and gave hem it i think it was her number with a letter they went to the emergency door then i dunno what happened i was like OMG fuck what just happened then i went straight home and didn't went there for 2 weeks

  85. its so boring now everything has been closed Salsa, Tommy.H, Lacoste, & all jeans Shops up there..
    now we are receiving clothes from Dubai and they are surely on sale of 70% for just one size.
    thats why when we are going for shopping sometime we will not find the right size or different colour. i had observed this issue since long time till not didnt change i dont know why. so we are lucky of UAE next from Oman. otherwise we have to fly to europe & America to get clothes.


  86. i didnt understand the repeatation of the same shops everywhere and evencially they are craps.
    why we dont have diesel, tommy helfighre, salsa, guess, republic, replay, pull & bear, Gstar, ect.... something like this i have no problem to spend my money when i go for shooping. about this type of crap clothes everywhere in muscat its made me sick when look at them and shocking me with the prices they are expensive i dont know for what expensive. its better to go for shopping from europe, nice, quallity and cheap. its good also because i will never see someone wearing the same what im wearing.


  87. No need to look anywhere else coz "Centerpoint" is a one stop shopping mall in a one roof, BABYSHOP,SPLASH, SHOEMART, LIFESTYLE!

  88. Looks like IKEA would be a great idea in Oman now who is listening to bring it here. No more trips to Dubai, the flow of currency stays in Oman anyone listening. We are tired of these boring stores that have been around forever and bring the same cheap stuff. Lets get IKEA in Oman it's been years since we have been wanting for it arrive.

  89. Hi

    Could I request guidance to a Ralph Lauren outlet in Oman.....

  90. Looking great list of "Muscat Grand Mall - store listing"

  91. Any Ralph Lauren stores in Muscat?

  92. Do we have Giordano in oman ?

  93. Its 2024, the mall failed,


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