Merge FM, 2 months on.

Well Merge have been transmitting live for just over 2 months now, and so I'm re-running the poll I ran before - what radio station are you listening to?

I'll run the poll for a week, just like last time :)

More tomorrow.

le fin.

Merge FM, 2 months on. Merge FM, 2 months on. Reviewed by Sythe on Monday, August 08, 2011 Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. Merge are playing western / inidan and arabic music - like trying to cater for all..... some of the tracks they play are not for my liking - I revert to Merge when Hi- FM start one of their ad breaks then switch back whan Merge plays a bad track... does not take long....
    Bring on BBC world service and a few Dubia stations..


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