Just a quickie: Rain / Thunderstorms predicted for Friday/Saturday.

There has been lots of emails and text messages flying around the country lately about a large thunderstorm that may hi Oman soon.

For up to date and accurate weather information for Oman, I strongly recommend you check the Weather Underground website.

It is currently predicting a 50% chance of Thunderstorms on Friday and a 70% chance on Saturday.

le fin.
Just a quickie: Rain / Thunderstorms predicted for Friday/Saturday. Just a quickie: Rain / Thunderstorms predicted for Friday/Saturday. Reviewed by Sythe on Monday, June 06, 2011 Rating: 5

Post Comments


  1. Typical! I'm gonna miss it for the 3rd time!!!!!!!!

  2. Now down to ZERO percent chance

  3. If you want to see some more forecast (speculation) about storms and cyclones in Oman - ‘Cyclone Keila’ may reach Oman on Friday

  4. The rumours of a cyclone started before it was even a depression. As I understand it, the main part of this front will be heading off towards India.

    Still, it's definitely going to rain soon: I took the Linoleumobile to the car wash.

  5. One time I won't be pining for the weather in Muscat! Good luck!

  6. omg RELAX people...ffs!!!!

  7. ...so are we looking for a loooooong w'end?? Koooooool!! finally sum relief from the scorching SUN :) Welcome Shiela! oops Keila :) chillo people!

  8. am i missing something here? that website (i check it on a failry regular basis!) doesnt mention rain at all!!!

  9. It's been updated since posting....

  10. OH MY GOD! Sythe! Is there a Local Business advertising on your blog? that is AWESOME!!!!! Way to go Merge!

  11. noone worry about this jesus with us he si strong enought to control everything believe some miracle will happen in the coming days contrary to forecasting. he is the creator of everything in this world then he know pray to god he will remove this believeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


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