The 18th Annual Canadian Stampede party

It is that time of year again.... it's Stampede time again!

Every year for the last 18 years, a group of Canadians have put on a party to celebrate the Calgary Stampede (officially that is, unofficially it's a party thrown by Canadians to show everyone else how to actually party). This party is big, really big. It will be attended by over 800 people, and there are less than 75 tickets remaining.

Thursday March 10th, from 7pm will see the latest instalment of the Canadian Stampede kick off to yet another stampede party. With special Canadian import DJ Hurricane from Calgary working the crowd, you can be assured that everyone will have a great time.

Personally I'm looking forward to the Golder Garter Saloon shooter bar, which never fails to disappoint.

And because those Canadians are so nice, they've given me 2 tickets to give away to you right here on Muscat Mutterings. If you want to come to the best party in town, leave a comment (with a method of me contacting you) or send me an email you must be aged 21 or over to attend this event. I'll draw the tickets on Tuesday the 8th in the evening.

Bon chance!

le fin.
The 18th Annual Canadian Stampede party The 18th Annual Canadian Stampede party Reviewed by Sythe on Thursday, March 03, 2011 Rating: 5

Post Comments


  1. Hey Sythe,

    Looking forward for the event,
    Thanks for keeping us posted with updates :)


  2. Because we're half Canadian ;)

  3. Having lived in Canuck Land and Calgary for part of my life My wife and I attended the stampede there and the many pancake breakfasts outside Chinook Mall. I now wish to complete my research project to prove that more than 6 Labatt's Blue causes a speech impediment whereby the affected sufferer keeps repeating "What's all that aboot" and "Is that right, eh?". I need a sample size of approximately 800 healthy volunteers in a controlled environment for testing. Your two tickets will contribute highly to the success of this crucial research. Thanks in anticipation

  4. "Comment"

    farshidcomATyahooDOTcom :P

  5. Is there any other way of getting tickets? new to Oman and would like to see something different like this.

  6. Like I would pass up entering this competition... :) I've heard the shooters have been tried and tested and are awesome ;)

    me! me! Pick me!!!! :)

  7. Nice! Winning these would be second only to winning the HiFM world cup tix. Fingers crossed!

  8. Well, I am new in Muscat, don't know many people and party would do me really good :-). thanks,

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Geez, I thought I was the only Canuck in Oman! Do you think it will be too warm to wear my Mukluks?

  11. because............ EVERYBODY I know is going and I just HAAAAAVE to be there!! ;-)

    Will mail you my contact details!


  12. Here r the ppl u were searching for...So whr did u say we can collect the tickets frm???lol

  13. I wanna attend this event so badly... PLZ pick me!!!

  14. and oh! my email iz (


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