Ahmed Ahmed for one night only

The ever-popular Craic Attack group is bringing Egyption born (but raised in America) comedian Ahmed Ahmed is bringing his Just Like Us tour to Muscat this Wednesday night.

Tickets cost RO 15 and available from all the usual outlets from today!

le fin.
Ahmed Ahmed for one night only Ahmed Ahmed for one night only Reviewed by Sythe on Saturday, October 30, 2010 Rating: 5

Post Comments


  1. Isn't there another comedy night this Wednesday @ the Rugby club also???

  2. This is exciting..!! Can't wait..!!

  3. DITD - you are right, this Wednesday night see's two options... RO 15 to see "Arab" (read - raised in America) comedian Ahmed Ahmed & friends, or RO 10 to see some local talent. Two different choices, both will be a lot of fun! :)


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