And, I'm back.

Hello everyone.

I decided to take advantage of the generous Eid vacation and promptly buggered off for a couple of weeks. I'm back now, and will get back to posting local news as it comes my way.

Here's a few snaps of where I've been...

It was nice. I am often torn between living the life we live here, and returning to this place, but here I am again, back in sunny Oman :)

So, what's been going on here in the last 2 weeks then?

Local bloggers, Undercover Dragon, and more recently, Muscat Jet Driver, have announced that they have left Oman. I felt that the Jet Driver's farewell post was fairly hate-filled, but I guess that's how he feels. It's a shame he's off, I enjoyed reading his blog. I really did enjoy reading about the exploits of Nasser Bin Tumoon.

Hi FM have launched their 80's night, which by now everyone should know about. I'm looking forward to it, I even bought some awesomely tacky aviator glasses when on leave. Now, to find a suitably large and over-sized gold chain to complete the master-piece that I intend to be :) So mark October 7th in your diaries!

Also, on Hi FM news... I understand that Rachael Howarth has left Hi FM, and new girl Erin Fleming will be taking over... I hope she is received better than Rachael was... I find it mildly amusing that Erin's bio page is still titled as Rachael's... ;)

Traffic seems to have gotten absolutely insane again, I guess all the schools are back on then. I hope the Expressway is opened soon!

Thats all for today, more again soon.

le fin.
And, I'm back. And, I'm back. Reviewed by Sythe on Tuesday, September 28, 2010 Rating: 5

Post Comments


  1. Welcome back. Lovely pictures. Suddenly a whole bunch of expat bloggers going away, eh? Looking forward to more posts :)

  2. Nice with a more positive return thanks :-)

  3. Lovely pictures...were they taken in Oman?

  4. Wow, what big foreheads those guys have! And I thought mine was bad ;)

    Good to have you back Sythe.

  5. Hi Sythe,

    Sorry for bothering you. I know this is not the right forum, but since you are in Oman, can you tell me which is a better hospital:
    Apollo Medical Centre
    Al-Hayat Polyclinic.

    Thanks & Regards.

  6. OPNO, TRQ, DITD & Anon 1 - thanks :)

    Rochelle - no, these pictures were not taken in Oman

    Anon 2 - I'm afraid I've not used either hospital, I'm sorry.

  7. SYTHE: Ha! I'm sorry I addressed myself lol.

    Anon 2: Apollo Medical Center is recommended to me over the other by local aquaintances who've used both (and one researches in health).

  8. Thanks a lot Omani Princess.


  9. HIFM have made a big mistake in replacing Rachel Howarth, she was the most popular presenter they had.Rumour is, they couldn't afford to keep her, what with her departure and the new radio station about to start airing, HIFM should be VERY worried.

  10. Rachel howarth? No, she was terrible. Used to make me want to crash my car on her drive time slot of rambling rubbish. Hifm did the right thing, there is not a thing to fear there.


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