Not much news today.


A little bit of news on the Tom Jones concert. It appears the old crooner has over done it a bit - he's got acute laryngitis and has subsequently cancelled his last 4 concerts (in Singapore and South Korea). His next gig is in South Africa on the 7th of April, which I guess will indicate whether he's back on form again, or still suffering.

Notably, the Tom Jones website has been pretty quiet on the issue, with the last update being on the 1st of April.

I googled acute laryngitis and it seems that recovery periods can be measured in days, not weeks (obviously in many cases it takes over a week to heal). So it would seem safe to assume that the South Africa dates will go ahead (well maybe one of them), and then ours too. Time will tell I guess, but he is 69 now, so perhaps it'll take him longer to heal.

I got in touch with the event organizers here in Muscat, and was given this information to share:

1. Sir Tom's management have given them no reason to believe that the event will not go ahead.

2. In the unfortunate event that the show is cancelled, full refunds will be available for ticket holders.

That's all for today.

le fin.
Not much news today. Not much news today. Reviewed by Sythe on Monday, April 05, 2010 Rating: 5

Post Comments


  1. Hey Muscat,
    I was wondering if anyone else took note of Tom Jones cancelling concerts. It got me wondering whether he'll make it here to Muscat! If he can cancel other places, it's just as likely here.
    Let's see what happens. Thanks for contacting the organizers. Nice to know we'll be refunded if he doesn't make it!

  2. Well done Mr Sythe for contacting the promoters!

    Time will tell. A good promoter in the West will have insurance against such things, just in case.

    Remember, the free ticket draw is still open!


  3. refunds in the Gulf...really?
    I am waiting to see if he performs to dates closer to our before
    i shell out my hard earned pesos.


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