Just a quickie: Irish Night

Busy with work today, but Muscat Confidential has blogged, so you can get his latest piece of juicy news today!

There is an Irish Night planned at the Dolphin Village on Thursday night, if anyone is interested. It appears that there is no cover charge, and there is a special on beer - buy two get one free. So it's the pre-Ramadan piss-up season then.

Below is the blurb:
Dance to the tune of the Latest & ‘Oldies’ Irish music on Thursday 6th August 2009!!!!
Special offer on Bottle Beer
Buy 2 get 1 free!!!!
& Special prices on Ciders
10% discount on all alcoholic beverages!!!!
Mouthwatering finger bites will be served in the bar area after 9pm

le fin

Just a quickie: Irish Night Just a quickie: Irish Night Reviewed by Sythe on Monday, August 03, 2009 Rating: 5

Post Comments


  1. Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Buy 2 get one free?! Bargain!

    Irish oldies though?

  2. I'm picturing Michael Flatly music (& dancing) myself. shudder.


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