Just a quickie: 18th November St - NOW FINISHED

Driving to work this morning, I thought to myself that the final traffic light installation was practically done. It looked like this this morning:

And then this afternoon about 2pm, I drove through the area again, and lo and behold:

So hopefully the morning commute will not be so bad along 18th November Street now.

le fin
Just a quickie: 18th November St - NOW FINISHED Just a quickie: 18th November St - NOW FINISHED Reviewed by Sythe on Wednesday, August 05, 2009 Rating: 5

Post Comments


  1. Woo hooo ... About time! :0))

  2. Thanks for the comments everyone :)

    I'm so happy that this has finally been finished - as ED says... about time!!!

  3. HOLY CRAP! Why didn't this open up when I was actually living in that area?????!!?!?!?! Just catching up on the blog...wonderful!!!


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